A Quarantine Walk in October

I swung over my shoulder, my navy-blue sweater and laced my black Nike Huaraches. It was time to go on a walk and along with me came my mom and my dog, a white Bichon Poodle named Bones. Once we stepped foot outside the door my mom aimed her lighter and lit a Marlboro cigarette, the faint smoke was being pulled towards my direction. We began on foot and the air had no wind, it felt good, no heat, it was light and cool. There were blue skies and faded clouds with the right amount of sun peeking out behind.

            To me, this October feels like it has gone by very quickly. And it has been by far the busiest for me. But, despite the overload of work and fast pace of time, it has always been one of my favorite times of the year. Luckily, much of the neighborhood has their houses and lawns decked out with Halloween decorations such as a blown up Frankenstein, spiderwebs, and pumpkins, I believe it always makes the block more colorful and in essence of the holiday spirit. I suppose some people are expecting trick or treaters because I saw bowls without candy outside and a couple signs that say, “Trick or Treat.” But another con of this October, and specifically this year is the pandemic, I am not sure how Halloween will play out this year for the trick or treaters.

            I notice today appears to be a popular day to be out for my area. There are many cars coming up and down the street going at somewhat fast pace, it seems people have places to be this morning. Although usually it is very opposite where I live, quiet and not much to notice. As we crossed the road to make a turn towards the park, there was a little boy riding a blue tricycle going around and around in circles and I thought to myself, how days once consisted of imagination, time, repetition, and playfulness. Kids are not thinking about the election, the pandemic, or school. So, I wonder what it is like to grow up during these times? But of course, there are different answers depending on the situation.

            We were getting closer to the park and I saw a helicopter and a group of geese flying above us. Nearby the park is an elementary school and once we got near, I saw a flyer hanging on the school's brick wall. I notice it shows their remodel plan and my mom and I wanted to take a closer look at it. As I take a peek at the school's vision I mentioned to my mom, “It looks more modern and futuristic, there are more windows and they are pretty wide, but there is hardly any color or much to play with on the playground.” She replied, “You would think with the people's tax money they would add more than windows and nice detail inside but also a playground that is vibrant and fun.” We began to move further from it and towards the trail, I was able to see the school in the process of reconstructing along the way and it already appears big. It brought me back to a time when my elementary school was remodeled and even as a kid I would think to myself it was starting to look different, more new, without a variety to imagine and play with.      

It felt good to be outside and accompanied by my mom, since coronavirus emerged my family and I have changed much of our social lifestyle and rarely are out unless it is necessary. My mom turned to me and said, “Times are rough for those whose life’s can be and have been affected by covid but walks like these allow us to be out and recollect ourselves.” And it is true, for some the weight of the pandemic is heavier, and something as simple as a walk allows there to be time without strict precautions or worry. Sometimes I see individuals during a walk with masks and others not but this time there was no other person in sight with a face covering other than us. When we would walk by others, even though we were wearing masks, people would still walk feet apart. But a couple times I had to distance Bones from other dogs, preventing them both from trying to walk towards each other.

Besides being cautious of health measures, the walk was refreshing, peaceful, and provided a pleasing sight to see. In more particular, the season did. Our shoes were crushing the leaves on the ground and I could hear a crunch along with every step, I have always enjoyed that sound. I have also always admired trees, even the ones that kill your grass, but the fall colors, and gloomy turn is a blessing to nature. As I was walking along the trail, my head was bent back looking up at the old and huge trees hovering over us. The trees are in their prime time of fall being full and layered with red, orange, and gold blending leaves. And for a split second there was no talking, no background noise, and just a moment to enjoy and admire the scenery. I got a quick whiff of a scent that smelled of dried leaves. On the concrete, was the shadow of the tree's trunk from the sun gleaming behind them.

            After the forty-five-minute walk we were close to home. The neighborhood was the same as it was when we left, busy. There were neighbors outside conversating, leaf blower sounds in the background, and dogs barking at the mailman. Yet, I felt relaxed and my body felt like I just had a workout, my dog was panting and after he drank some water he laid down, I think he felt the same. It was nice to get out and see what is new in the neighborhood, feel the fall and Halloween atmosphere, and simply get some fresh air.