Take a Walk

Today, as I woke up early in the morning looked outside out of the window, I saw it was bright and sunny decided to take my Havanese dog for a walk. My Havanese dog is 1 year old puppy. As I walked outside from my house, I started to smell the flowers we have at the front of the yard. Then I continued to walk around the neighborhood, I started to hear the birds and while I turned around, I saw squirrels eating.

While I continued to walk my Havanese dog I started to hear the sound of the car passing by, then when I get to the corner of the street of my house I see a women with her dog as well she was heading to the park to take her dog, but what I realize she wasn’t wearing a mask. Then, I continued to walk down the street, I had to cross the street but before I did that, I had to look both ways if there were no cars coming, then I decided to cross the street safely. After I cross the street my Havanese dog decided to stop and sit down on the grass but what I didn’t realize was that the grass was wet and my Havanese dog got a little bit wet.

Then, we started to walk again but we had to cross the street to get to the neighborhood park which is “Sunken Gardens” and what I realize when my dog and I got there people where stretching and I think they were having a yoga class. Then there was a guy running doing laps around the park, and what I realize the guy wasn’t wearing a mask either. Then my dog and I continued to walk around the park seeing a few more people doing exercise walking around the park and I am realizing is that there’s not a lot of people in the morning here at the park.

While, me and my dog continued to walk the park we got to the other side of the park and see other people with their dogs some of the people are being friendly and talking to each other about their dogs. While they were talking to each other, they didn’t have mask on either, but they were a few feet apart and they were enjoying the conversation. So, me and my dog continued to walk I started to hear all the cars passing by the park because the park is by a main driving street called “Speer Blvd.” that is a big and main street where a lot of cars passes by.

Then, when me and my dog continued to walk, I always see my old high school named “West High School” and when I pass by my old school, I always think about my old good time memories I had at that school. The main memory I remember is the soccer field because I used to play soccer for my old high school. Then when me and my dog walk around the park one time and pass the old high school I decided to finish the walk and walk back to my house but when I’m about to finish the walk I see other people at the top of the hill of the park but what I realize is that they are wearing mask but I think they work for the “West High School” because students or other people walk up to them and start talking about the school but I don’t know what about so I still continued to finish the walk I go back through the same way I started but this time I see more people walking their dog towards the park either if it’s only one person or two persons but they are not wearing mask either then started to think about if they don’t care about the Coronavirus but I passed them and hi but I decided not to stop and have a conversation with them. I continued to walk with my dog toward my house to finish the walk which I did, I got to my house and decide to stay outside to enjoy the nice weather which was sunny and bright my neighbors that do have dogs passes by my house to go to the same park that I do they just pass by and say hello to me but we don’t have a conversation or anything they just pass by my house. Then I decided to walk inside my house and enjoy the rest of my day and I did have good time taking walk around of my neighborhood and to the park I really enjoyed it.