Taking us inside The White Lotus

They bring us into the party of The White lotus with photos that are candid showing the enjoyable nature without having to spend tons of money on expensive equipment. They also provide videos of interviews and of drinks. This choice to use what looks like a phone camera gives these pictures a breathable, free feel with what everyone is doing. Them adding video clips to this shows peoples emotions and shows that people are enjoying themselves at this party. The people caching this story also added quotes from the actors showing what these actors thought of the deepness in the show. The writers also include the real events that happen like the fires, and mention that the party was supporting the businesses that were affected .


No because how would we know what our world looks like unless we had something to base it off of. If there is no base of what something would look like then we wouldn't have anything to create. For example if you ask someone to create an animal it would have different parts of animals that we see in our actual lives. I believe our minds can only be so creative by pulling different parts of a whole thing to create a new image. Therefore I don't believe that we live in a simulation.

Mentor text

I ended up choosing the Fort Logan Cemetery. I live 2 blocks away from the cemetery. There was news coverage about how the people managing the cemetery wanted to expand but the people in the close by housing neighborhood disapproved of that idea.

My aunt lives in that area so I have someone who can give me more information on what is going on with the cemetery. I also have a few facts that I would have to double check that are fun facts about the Fort Logan Cemetery.