Scripting a tour, recreating atmosphere and narrating the interactive 100-year history of The Denver Press Club Lounge.
For a virtual tour, it is important to tell the story and highlight the historical importance of the ‘irl’ space. The Denver Press Club, being the oldest club of its kind in the U.S, and the 100 years of the building in which the club meets. My goal is to translate that into an interactive experience, with ‘Side Quests’ and a ‘Main Campaign’ throughout the bar, lounge and other spaces. To make it feel like you are in the bar, the atmosphere and music are at the top of the list, right under freedom to move and enjoy the scenery.
The ‘Main Quest’ starts at the entrance of the virtual DPC Bar, gives the patron the Preamble to the Lounges history. Through a text splash screen, it will show the club’s history, the Denver Women’s Press Club beginning 1898, Wolfe Londoner’s grocery store basement, hotel hopping, the journalists that met in 1867, key figures in the creation of the club in 1877. From there it would lead to the title/credit screen. Then, the ability to click to enter the lounge first room, which has two options. On the left the choice to head downstairs for the billiards room, mural, art, and poker (I want to lock this bonus for going to the main lounge) On the right, the main quest where the patron enters the main lounge, bar and seating area. From this view they can see 3 other viewpoints.
When entering the patron moves to the bar to continue the ‘Main Quest’, (where they will meet someone at the bar. The patron will be given optional dialogue, one will lead to the next point) then moving to the seating in the back, going to the wall of famous faces, and finishing the ‘Main Story’ by the ‘typewriter corner’, covering the club’s history thoroughly with infographics and finishing out with today.
Lastly another splash screen, the outro: references used, contributions and “thanks”. (A dialogue box will then show up allowing the patron access to the basement area). That is the ‘Main Quest’.
The side quests are viewing the artifacts around the lounge, going in more depth on information, and other viewpoints.
In celebrating the Press Club I want to call this experience – “A 100 Year Snapshot: The Denver Press Club Lounge”. TBD